GiveMore Connections Programs and Services
Helping working Families when Tragedy Strikes
Families Left Behind
We never know when tragedy is going to strike. Working families who lose someone: a spouse, parent, or even a child and the family is left behind to struggle to figure out how to move forward. Natural disasters can also occur where a family can lose everything from a fire and have to start again from scratch.
The Families Left Behind Program is designed as a benevolence fund to help support working families in need when tragedy strikes. Our heart goes out to these families who are in great need.
Connecting Couples
Marriage Enrichment Retreats
Marriage is an important commitment we support. In today’s society, divorce rates have skyrocketed to 50% in the United States. Research has also found the likelihood for divorce increases by 10% with every marriage following the first marriage (i.e. 2nd marriage 60%, 3rd marriage 70%). There are so many benefits to being married and we are determined to help people stay connected in their marital relationship.
The Marriage Enrichment Retreats are developed to allow couples to disconnect for a weekend to spend time developing their relationship. So far, three retreats have been developed to explore:
The benefits of marriage
The Nuts and Bolts of Marriage
Preparing for the Golden Days (Retirement) of Marriage
The Retreats are designed by professionals in the mental health field who specialize in couples therapy to ensure quality therapeutic activities are implemented in the process.
Connections for those in need
Mental Health Assistance Program
Everyone needs someone to talk to sometimes! And when we are in our valleys of life, it is important to obtain good quality services to help us climb back up to our summit. Unfortunately, with insurance now having such high deductibles, it becomes difficult to afford quality services to help you. Sometimes we can also find ourselves in a financial hardship and simply just cannot pay for services. The Mental Health Assistance Program (MHAP) is designed to help people connect to the treatments they need by providing financial aid to make professional services more affordable. The MHAP will help reduce the cost so the client can pay within their means relieving the worry of high bills so they can focus on getting the help they need.
If the high costs of insurance or mental health providers are keeping you or a loved one from seeking the help they need, GiveMore Connections may be able to help defray some of those costs. Let us know of your situation and let’s see if we can help.
They fought for ours, so we fight for them.
Freedom for Veterans
The Freedom for Veterans Program is our effort to help veterans get many of these needs met in our community, especially their mental health needs.
In the Mid Ohio Valley we have a large number of veterans with varying needs ranging from housing, employment, and mental health treatment. On average 1 veteran commits suicide every 80 minutes in the United States. Thirty percent of veterans have disabilities as a direct result of their service. Approximately 13% - 20% are suffering with Post Traumatic Stress. The Freedom for Veterans Program is our effort to help veterans get many of these needs met in our community, especially their mental health needs. GiveMore Connections is joining efforts with the non-profit “We Have Your Six” as well as the MOV Veterans Group to reach and serve the veterans in our community. We are currently working to secure grants to obtain a location in downtown Parkersburg which will serve as a site for veterans to access the most recent developments in mental health treatment for PTSD. This location is a capital project that will serve as a multi-use facility for our community and provide multiple resources for our veterans.
No Place Like Home
No Place Like Home includes environmentally conscious programs that connect needs in our community to needs within our environment to create a symbiotic partnership.
Many of the needs of individuals and families in our community require resources to meet these needs. Historically mankind has taken resources from our environment to meet the community’s needs. We are now realizing that we must work with our environment and give back to it as well as take from it. Our “No Place like Home” initiative will include environmentally conscious programs that connect needs in our community to needs within our environment to create a symbiotic partnership. One of the first programs in this initiative is our Apiary Program.